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يتميز شفاط الحليب المتطور بـ 14 وضع شفط لتتحكمي في معدله حسب رغبتك. تحاكي وضعيات التدليك فم طفلك لتحفيز الحليب على التدفق. ستشعرين بعشر نبضات قصيرة يليها ضخة واحدة أكثر طولاً، ثم ستنتقل إلى وضع أقوى يمكنك التحكم به عن طريق أزرار + و - البسيطة. بعد بدء تدفق الحليب، استخدمي الوضعيات التسع للشفط بمعدل عادي وطويل والحصول على أكبر كمية حليب ممكنة بكل راحة. تأتي وحدة الطاقة المحمولة بتصميم صغير يزن أقل من نصف رطل لسهولة الحمل في الجيب. كما يتميز الشفاط بحجمه الصغير والخفيف لتحمليه في حقيبتك في أي مكان. التدفق المناسب: تختلف كمية الحليب ومعدلات الشفط عند كل أم، لذا يتميز الشفاط بشاشة LED لعرض أوقات الشفط ومعرفة معدل الشفط الطبيعي لديك، كما يأتي مع زجاجة كلوزر تو نيتشر بعلامات قياس لمعرفة كمية الحليب.

خصائص المنتج:

  • قابل للاستخدام في أي مكان ومكان: يتميز بتصميم هادئ وصغير ومريح لتتمكني من شفط الحليب في أي وقت ومكان
  • قابل لإعادة الشحن بوصلة USB: يحتوي على وحدة طاقة مدمجة وخفيفة الوزن وتشحن باستخدام USB وتمنحك 60 دقيقة لعملية الشفط
  • هدوء مثالي: أثبت الاختبار أن شفاط الحليب الكهربائي ميد فور مي أكثر هدوءً من شفاطات الحليب الرائدة
  • كوب سيليكون حاصل على براءة اختراع: يتعرض جسدك للإرهاق كثيرًا، لذا يأتي بكوب سيليكون مبطن بتصميم ناعم ولطيف على الثديين
  • تصميم صحي يمنع ارتداد الحليب: يتميز الشفاط بنظام مغلق يمنع تدفق الحليب مرة أخرى إلى الأنابيب لضمان دخول الحليب إلى زجاجة الرضاعة فقط


عرض المزيد

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من المستطلعين سوف يوصون بهذا لصديق

توزيع التقييمات

تم عرضه بواسطة 29 عملاء

Not as advertised - poor customer communication

تم الرفع

بواسطة Jessica

من Undisclosed

مشتر مُصدَّق

التعليقات عن هذا Tommee Tippee Made for Me Electric Breast Pump

The image was incorrect - I ordered this product twice and customer service couldn't work out the issue. Image wasn't changed for over a week - so false advertising wasn't corrected. No follow up - took days to return and next day delivery took 3 days. Emails sent to wrong address. Overall very bad experience.

هل كان هذا العرض نافعاً لك?

Breast pump

تم الرفع

بواسطة ducky82

من Bromley

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


I've tried many pumps but this one is by far my favourite.. its a little noisy as are others. But very comfortable and found very easy to use.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

هل كان هذا العرض نافعاً لك?

Great little pump

تم الرفع

بواسطة Jfw91

من Kent

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


I have an older Tommee Tippee pump but love that this one has a battery, makes it much easier to use and the unit is really neat and easy to carry around. The first charge took a lot longer than the 40 minutes in the instructions so bear that in mind! Suction seems good, it does seem like the unit it putting a fair bit of effort in when you get to the highest setting. I didn't like that it pauses as you change the level, my old one didn't do that. But it's a really simple pump, it's easy to take apart and put back together. It's a shame it doesn't come with a stand or the converter ring for the bags. I'd have liked to get a plug or a longer cable, I know it's designed to be used on battery but if you did need it while it was charging it would be super awkward to use! But it used the older standard USB so easy to get another cable.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Very comfortable and works well

تم الرفع

بواسطة Chikach

من London

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


Works well. Easy to use and have found it comfortable to use. Took around two days to get a good milk supply.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

هل كان هذا العرض نافعاً لك?

Comfy, easy to use, highly reccomend

تم الرفع

بواسطة Lexii1992

من Ashton-under-lyne

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


This is the first tommee tippee breast pump iv tried after having problems with different brands in the past. I must say i am sold and now a tommee tippee covert. It is almost silent when using both massage and let down phases. A slight vibrate which would NOT wake up a newborn. I have used roughly 5 or 6 times before writing the review to ensure i was correct. The battery is still at 2/3 bars after all this time. I have literally charged it once. The first charge did take a good couple of hours, but its worth the wait. The pump has a small carrying handle for ease of getting around whilst pumping. Its also small enough for most handbags and changing bags. Everyone should try this pump. Fantastic.

Comfy, easy to use, highly reccomend
Small and compact for handbags and changing bags
Comfy, easy to use, highly reccomend
2 bars after over an hour usage. Brilliant

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

هل كان هذا العرض نافعاً لك?

Love it!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Sarah283

من North Wales

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


First impressions were really great, love the packaging and how compact it was. The pump was really easy to put together and really easy to use. The pump was very comfortable rather than some others which are quite hard and uncomfortable for long periods, the cushioning really helps. Also really like the style as you can hold it around the neck which makes it easier to hold too. The timer is also good if you want to know how long you've been pumping for. My only issue was initially the valve didn't stay open so I had to keep stopping to open the valve but after a few times it was fine so next time I'd try opening it a few times before I started pumping.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

هل كان هذا العرض نافعاً لك?

Great pump

تم الرفع

بواسطة sez2001

من buckinghamshire

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


I absolutely loved this pump, it's so simple to use and works so effectively! This pump is comfortable to use and easy to clean.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

هل كان هذا العرض نافعاً لك?

Comfortable and easy to use

تم الرفع

بواسطة cs1993

من Devon

تم عرضه في


I was having a difficult time breastfeeding and getting baby to latch and breastfeeding was becoming painful so I opted for a breast pump. After trying a manual pump and various other breast pumps, I decided to try this one. I love the style of the unit and how compact it is compared to others I have used. It is so easy and simple to use and I love that you can choose the pump speed and intensity. I found I got a lot of milk out of using this within a short period of time. Using this also reduced the amount of pain I was in from breastfeeding and was a saviour to me. I will be keeping it to use for when I have my next baby. The only flaw about mine was that after about 2 weeks of use, the suction cups kept losing suction and grip from my breast, resulting in milk leaking out and dripping onto my clothes. However, I would still recommend the pump as it has saved me so much time with getting milk and is so simple.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Wish we had read reviews first!

تم الرفع

بواسطة SDixon

من Blackpool

تم عرضه في


We bought Tommee Tippee with our first born and it was wonderful no issues so we decided to use them again! Big mistake. "Always read reviews!" After 5 weeks the breast pump has gone faulty and is being returned today ... We are now going to be using another brand which after plenty of research has much better reviews! Also it is not as quiet as made out ... We also have the electric steriliser which is burning after very use! We follow the instructions and now the plate it all burnt ... Not good. Sorry to say it seems Tommee Tippee have kept the high £ tag but turned the products cheap ...

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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تم الرفع

بواسطة Molhurst

من Gloucester

مشتر مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


I brought this product and have been using for less than 1 weeks. I have made sure all relevant parts have been kept away from water and my machine has now stopped working. On the odd occasion my machine will turn on but the suction doesn't work.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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