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ستمنح هذا البطانة طفلك مزيدًا من الراحة والدعم بفضل تصميمها المصنوع من قماش خفيف الوزن. يمكنك استخدامها مع جميع كراسي فور ممز الهزازة أو كرسي كونكت المرتفع للحفاظ على راحة الطفل في أوقات الطعام.


  • قماش ناعم بوجهين للحفاظ على راحة الطفل 
  • غسل في الغسالة 
  • للاستخدام منذ الولادة حتى يستغنى عنها الطفل 


العمر المناسب: منذ الولادة
عرض المزيد

لقطة العرض


من المستطلعين سوف يوصون بهذا لصديق

توزيع التقييمات

العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Versatile and comfortable

The infant insert is great for adding a bit more support for your little one when they are still pretty floppy and need the extra comfort. The reversible designs are pretty great as well because it allows you to either have a pop of color, or something that calls less attention to your swing. My kid...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

A nice addition but not necessary

My little guy will be 4 months in a few days and from birth he tends to run warm. I received the 4moms Cool Mesh Newborn Insert through the Stellar Product Testing Panel and although it is a nice addition, I don't think it is completely necessary. I didn't find that my baby was any more or less comf...

تم عرضه بواسطة 46 عملاء

Perfect addition to the mamaroo

تم الرفع

بواسطة Katie Yost

من undisclosed

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


This insert is very soft and easy to clean. It helps me newborn fit well in her mamaroo.

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Much Needed

تم الرفع

بواسطة HappyGoLucky04

من undisclosed

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Once I was able to install this insert my newborn felt cozy in the swing and I could see him relax in it. That wrapped up feeling for a newborn is so important for them. With this he was snug inside and better supported. Some instructions could help them for faster install. As stressed as I was trying to figure ways to calm my newborn down and get relief — having to figure out how to redo the straps and make the insert work around him was pretty annoying.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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تم الرفع

بواسطة Jules2119

من Norman, OK

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


I didn't realize this product existed when I purchased the mamaroo until my mom got a mamaroo from a friend for her house and it had the infant insert. My son was a smidge small without it, but he buckled in fine so I didn't think much of it. But the infant insert is definitely worth it! He fits much better and more comfortably in the mamaroo with it.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Great find.

تم الرفع

بواسطة Jaki

من Michigan

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


This was just what my newborn grand baby needed to fit better in her swing.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Love it!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Diana

من Georgia

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


This insert is so cute, it contrasts perfectly with the gray fabric of the 4moms mamaRoo swing/bouncer. It's very soft and a really great quality! I can't wait to put it to use when baby arrives!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Colic Relief

تم الرفع

بواسطة Steff

من MO

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


This insert helped with baby positioning for my newborn granddaughter

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Sleek, lightweight, but disappointing

تم الرفع

بواسطة CaseyG

من Danvers, MA

مشتر مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


I put this on my registry based on a recommendation from the baby list website. It is lightweight, easy to move from one room to the next, and doesn't take up a lot of space. Unfortunately my daughter does not like it! I thought it was just an aversion to being put down, but I tried a hand me down traditional swing from a friend that has a moving mobile that she likes much better. I think if the mobile moved on this one it may be a home run, but unfortunately for the price point it's basically useless to us, she only lasts a few minutes, where in the other swing I mentioned she is visibly happy and relaxed lasting up to an hour.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Love how snuggled it is.

تم الرفع

بواسطة Vanessa

من Los Angeles, CA

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Purchased this newborn insert in the limited edition sand color which is beautiful and very soft like fleece. Baby girl loves being snuggled in it, but I didn't like the fact that the insert didn't have the bottom seat belt insert to have it go through to buckle in the baby.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Newborn Insert

تم الرفع

بواسطة Kais' mom

من Vancouver, WA

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


We love it!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Not great

تم الرفع

بواسطة Nini

من undisclosed

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


I thought this was suppose to make my infant be able to fit better on the swing but it did not make a difference and it's not necessary to use. There were no instructions how to install on swing and it doesn't fit to infants body, being that my infants head does not line up with the insert when on the swing.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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