ميزان حرارة ترو تيمب 3 في 1 ببطارية CR2032 من فريدا

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رقم المنتج

احصلي على درجة حرارة طفلك بدقة مع ميزان الحرارة ترو تيمب المناسب للاستخدام عند المستقيم أو الفم أو تحت الإبط لمكافحة إرتفاع درجات الحرارة. يعرض القراءة خلال 10 ثوانٍ ويقوم بالفحص مرة أخرى تلقائياً للتأكد. كما يأتي مع حاجز وضوء LED لتتمكني من فحص الحرارة بدون قلق.

خصائص المنتج:

  • قراءة درجات حرارة سريعة خلال 10 ثوانِ - احصلي على درجة حرارة طفلك خلال 10 ثوانِ فقط
  • تأكد من القراءة خلال 30 ثانية - تأكدي من القراءات عن طريق خاصية التأكد من درجات الحرارة دون الحاجة إلى إعادة العملية
  • 3 إستخدامات - يمكنك إستخدامه عن طريق الفم أو فتحة الشرج أو تحت الإبط
  • مناسب للاستخدام أثناء الليل - مزود بشاشة رقمية وضوء LED لقراءة درجات الحرارة في الليل بسهولة
  • حاجز توقف عند فتحة الشرج لمنع دخول الميزان في فتحة الشرج أكثر من اللازم
  • محتويات المجموعة ميزان حرارة + حافظة

مواصفات المنتج:

الأبعاد: 8.9 × 3.81× 17.145

عرض المزيد

لقطة العرض


129 عروضكتابة عرض
من المستطلعين سوف يوصون بهذا لصديق

توزيع التقييمات

العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Easy to use

Thankfully we don't need thermometers that often but it seems like every time we do, it's either broke or ran out of battery. I like that you can actually turn this one on and off, not just wait until it turns off on its own. The thermometer has three ways to take your child's temperature- oral, und...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

Should be recalled

Have been using this thermometer for my 5 month old. Over the last week it has been showing he has a fever on and off, causing us to initiate testing with our pediatrician. After so many negative tests we purchased a second (and third) thermometer to compare the results. We found this thermometer co...

تم عرضه بواسطة 129 عملاء

FAULTY 1-2 degrees HIGHER

تم الرفع

بواسطة Laritza

من Morristown NJ

مراجع مُصدَّق

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Literally came on here and was shocked to find other comments basically saying the same thing regarding how FAULTY this thermometer is. We were able to discover the discrepancy at the pediatricians office because his temp was reading 97.4 while the Frida one gave us 99.5 literally seconds later. SO glad we discovered this but omg the emotional turmoil we went through with our son being botherline ER trip eligible for almost 2 days. I feel for the parents that had unnecessary interventions done :( not fair. I will now always double check temperatures with different thermometers.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Super easy to use!

تم الرفع

بواسطة saylors1

من undisclosed

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

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This product was amazing and so helpful for my sick baby during the winter months! Way easier to use on a baby and she was very comfortable with it! I definitely recommend this product. It was accurate every time!

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Don't waste your money

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بواسطة Ashlyen

من AZ

مراجع مُصدَّق

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Refuses to take temperature, just flashes and turns off

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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بواسطة Twindad

من undisclosed

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Terribly inaccurate. My boys have never gotten a reading below 99 on here. When we use other thermometers (or go to the ER when the thermometer says they have a fever) they have normal temperatures

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Do not buy

تم الرفع

بواسطة Danielle123

من Arizona

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Please beware of this thermometer. I took my 2 month old to her doctor for sick visits THREE TIMES and each time she was just fine no temperature when we got there. But at home with this thermometer she was showing 102.0 + temps. For your sanity just get a different thermometer.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Quick, accurate, and hassle-free temperature checks for p...

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بواسطة brittanye93

من undisclosed

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


The Frida 3-in-1 True Temp Thermometer has been a true savior in my parenting journey. Its versatility is unmatched, allowing for rectal, oral, or armpit use, making it a reliable fever fighting companion. The 10 second quick temp feature provides a swift reading of my baby's temperature without the struggle of prolonged measurements. What truly sets this thermometer apart is the 30 second double check, eliminating the need for reinsertion and instilling confidence in the accuracy of the reading. The peace of mind it brings is invaluable, especially during those crucial moments when every second counts. Whether it's an oral, armpit, or rectal measurement, the 3-in-1 functionality adapts seamlessly to my child's comfort. The inclusion of a Parent Proof Stopper is a thoughtful touch, addressing safety concerns during rectal use. Combined with LED lights and a digital backlit screen, nighttime checks have become effortless, ensuring I can monitor my child's temperature without disruption. In conclusion, the Frida 3-in-1 True Temp Thermometer is not just a thermometer; it's a reliable and versatile ally in managing my child's health. Its quick readings, double check feature, and user friendly design make it a must have for parents seeking ease and accuracy in temperature monitoring.

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بواسطة ayeika

من undisclosed

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

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This thermometer is very easy to use and its pretty accurate. Its lightweight and it fits easily in my drawer. Im so glad I was given a sample in exchange for my feedback.

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3 in 1

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بواسطة mrsfrias_

من undisclosed

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


Wow! I mean wow! This here is exactly what we ( moms ) need. You can take the temperature in 3 different ways depending on childs age. It also comes with a case which its great since you can drop it in a bag and take it everywhere with you. Love the light tool! Great for taking temperatures at night!

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Great product

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بواسطة hollym9eec

من undisclosed

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


Great product. Easy to use. Efficient. Quick. Effective. A truly great product for using with the little ones. I would highly recommend to anyone

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بواسطة cindilouuu_

من undisclosed

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

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Really liked this thermometer. It was simple and easy to use and my son didn't mind it at all. It's a good size so I always carry it around with us in his diaper bag.

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