مقعد سيارة بيبل 360 من ماكسي كوزي - رمادي

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إذا كنت تبحثين عن تصميم عملي يوفر الراحة لطفلك أثناء السفر والتنقل فسيكون مقعد سيارة ماكسي كوزي بيبل 360 الخيار الأمثل. يمكنك استخدام مقعد بيبل 360 منذ الولادة حتى عمر 15 شهرًا، فهو يتميز بإمكانية الدوران بسهولة وسلاسة على قاعدة فاميلي فيكس 360 (تباع على حدة) باستخدام يد واحدة.

يمكنك استخدام مقعد بيبل 360 من ماكسي كوزي منذ الولادة حتى عمر 15 شهرًا، فهو يتميز بإمكانية الدوران بسهولة وسلاسة على قاعدة فاميلي فيكس 360 باستخدام يد واحدة. يأتي بحزام سهل التثبيت لسهولة إدخال الطفل وإخراجه وبطانة مريحة تحيط بالطفل للشعور بالراحة طوال الوقت. كما يتميز بتقنية كليما فلو لتنظيم درجة حرارة الطفل وجي سيل لامتصاص الصدمات الجانبية وضمان سلامته وشعوره بالراحة. يمكنك حمله بسهولة في أي مكان باستخدام المقبض العملي لتنعمي بالراحة القصوي مع صغيرك منذ ولادته بفضل نظام الأمان آي سايز وإمكانية الاستدارة المميزة بزاوية 360 درجة لتعزيز طابع المقعد المريح والعملي. يمكنك تركيب المقعد مع قاعدة فاميلي فيكس 360 المزودة بنقاط تثبيت أيزوفيكس وساق داعمة لتركيبه بسهولة وأمان. يأتي مقعد السيارة ماكسي كوزي بيبل 360 ضمن مجموعة 360 للجيل الجديد من مقاعد السيارة الدوارة التي تشمل قاعدة فاميلي فيكس 360 الدوارة ومقاعد بيبل 360 (حتى 15 شهر) وبيرل 360 (حتى 4 سنوات) لحمل الأطفال منذ الولادة حتى عمر 4 سنوات.

ملاحظة: تباع القاعدة على حدة

خصائص المنتج:

  • الحزام ومسند الرأس - وضعيات ارتفاع متعددة للحزام ومسند الرأس
  • حزام أمان بثلاث نقاط أمان للحفاظ على سلامة الطفل
  • مقبض حمل بوضعية قابلة للتعديل
  • تصميم مريح - بطانة مريحة تحيط بالطفل
  • غطاء علوي كبير للحماية من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية
  • التركيب - يتوافق مع معايير السلامة آي سايز الجديدة (R129/03) التي أصبحت تشمل تركيب الحزام
  • التوافق - تناسب عربات الأطفال ماكسي كوزي ومجموعة كبيرة من الماركات الأخرى
  • إمكانية الاستدارة فليكس سبين بيد واحدة
  • نظام أمان كليما فلو لتنظيم درجة الحرارة والشعور بالراحة
  • تقنية جي سيل لامتصاص الصدمات الجانبية
  • إمكانية الفك بسهولة بيد واحدة من عربات الأطفال ماكسي كوزي وكويني بفضل الأزرار المميزة
  • غطاء قابل للإزالة بسهولة
  • غطاء قابل للغسل بسهولة في الغسالة
  • مؤشرات بصرية وصوتية على القاعدة لتأكيد التركيب بأمان وتقليل خطر التركيب الخاطئ

عرض المزيد

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توزيع التقييمات

العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Great function

We use the Maxio Cosi Pepple 360 for the last few weeks and are more than happy. The installation has been simple (even for me as a no sense for tecnic mom). The pictures on the instruction are simple and understandable. Our car has an preindtallation for iso fix, so it was more than easy. You...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

Review of the MaxiCOSI Zelia3 LUXE Stroller, 2 in 1 footm...

Let me start by saying that this MaxiCOSI LUXE Stroller falls short on practicality. My wife and I find it nearly impossible to manoeuvre with just one hand or fold it with ease using only one hand. While the design appears premium, we've encountered issues with the fragility of the carrycot cover. ...

تم عرضه بواسطة 35 عملاء

Absolutely amazing carseat!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Tammy8676

من Mansfield

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


I've had 4 children and this is the best carseat I've used. It's not the lightest I've had but that doesn't matter at all. The swivel base means I can get my baby in and out with ease and the carry handle is amazing ! Knowing my little one will be able to use this till 15 months also is amazing to know. It looks trendy and classic and I've recommend it to all my friends which are new mums. My little one who is on the smaller size looks so comfy in it. Which is a big bonus.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

هل كان هذا العرض نافعاً لك?

Review of the MaxiCOSI Zelia3 LUXE Stroller, 2 in 1 footm...

تم الرفع

بواسطة rjesus23

من Berkshire

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Let me start by saying that this MaxiCOSI LUXE Stroller falls short on practicality. My wife and I find it nearly impossible to manoeuvre with just one hand or fold it with ease using only one hand. While the design appears premium, we've encountered issues with the fragility of the carrycot cover. This is disappointing, especially considering we're using it for our three-month-old baby. Moreover, the brake system is already showing signs of malfunctioning. Disengaging the brake only unlocks one wheel, requiring additional effort to handle the stroller. If you own a hatchback car, be prepared to sacrifice a significant portion of your boot space when folding this stroller. Additionally, we purchased the 2-in-1 footmuff, but found the two lateral zips inconvenient, especially when using it in the carrycot. Closing the zips with the baby inside becomes a challenging task. Transitioning between the car seat and the stroller is cumbersome. The need for additional pieces to connect the car seat to the pushchair adds to the complexity. It would be much more convenient if both the carrycot and car seat had a unified fitting mechanism. Furthermore, attaching the car seat to the pushchair requires considerable effort, often requiring multiple attempts and both hands simultaneously. Another design flaw is that when the car seat cover is on, lowering the handlebar causes it to collide with the cover. A redesign with better dimensions would greatly improve user experience.  In conclusion, while the MaxiCOSI Luxe Stroller may have some premium features, its lack of practicality and design flaws detract from its overall value and usability. There are other options in the market not such expensive. We ended up buying a second one from a different brand that is much better.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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تم الرفع

بواسطة Lottie124

من Wiltshire

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Yet to use yet as baby not here yet but all seems great!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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not comparable with 3 door cars

تم الرفع

بواسطة Bcfc

من Bristol

مشتر مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Had to return as only rotates 90 degrees not the full 360 for safety reasons. Nowhere tells you this before purchase but it does tell you that it will fit in your car so be careful! As an owner of a 3 door car this meant either having to squeeze the entire seat in and out every time or havi g to clamber across the back seats. Changed to a Pearl 360 which goes from birth to 4years so although it doesn't fit into a pram (which isn't good for baby anyway) it spins the whole way round!

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Perfect little car seat

تم الرفع

بواسطة Elizabeth1

من Ipswich

مشتر مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Enjoy this car seat every time we go somewhere!! Trip's are so easy with this car seat! My little one is so comfortable and in it and just sleep all the time👌👌 I really like that in this car seat my baby's back is straight, not bend like in other car seats, that's why we chose to try this car seat 👌. Quality if it is just amazing and super easy to clean. Also don't forget about 360, it is the greatest thing ever found! No more bending over and trying to do everything with back pain! Love love love! one's again Maxi cosi show that they all about 👌

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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تم الرفع

بواسطة Robertaaa79

من undisclosed

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


1. We was really amazed how easy and smooth installation process was👍🏻👍🏻 2. Material and quality is really good! Sturdy and no problems with 360 ! 3. We used baby car seat and it was just amazing from put it in the base to taking it off, so smooth, baby can sleep through it and not wake up from noise or anything! 4. it looks just perfect in a car! Loveit!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Great Seat and even better with the 360 base

تم الرفع

بواسطة NewMother6

من London

مشتر مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


This is an excellent car seat that provides comfort as well as great back support. The cushioning is of good quality and is easy to remove to wash. This was a big thing as accidents will always happen. In terms of functionality, theres not too much to detail, but things like the handle and hood were easy to use. The 360 slots onto my existing pushchair as well so meant its very much a flexible product. The biggest advantage though is its compatibility with the 360 base, that allows ease of use out of the car without the need to twist your back. If you have any kind of back complaint then this function is a no brainer. Would definitely recommend, but more so if buying together with the base.

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Great quality and safety features

تم الرفع

بواسطة Callum R

من Scottish Borders

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Good quality car seat, love the colour and good safety features

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Good quality light 360 carseat

تم الرفع

بواسطة Alice16

من Staffordshire

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


We are really impressed with these car seat and base combo. The seat itself feels quite compact but is also really light making it easy to carry to and from the car. I think the cooling fabrics add to this lightness. The materials are all really soft and provide good support for the baby's head. Looking forward to using this as they grow! The seat clicks into the base really easily and is great for checking on the baby from even the rear passenger seat when parked. The 360 feature was the main selling point for us and just couldn't find anything that compared for a newborn! Makes it a lot easier to transfer them into the pram for longer walks. The different isize inserts look like great quality and are easy to clean so should be nice and snug for the next year! Would recommend to anyone as an easy to use car seat that is light and good quality. The only thing I would say is we went for essential graphite and it actually has a slight blue colour to it rather than grey.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Perfect car seat

تم الرفع

بواسطة Nash717

من Northern Ireland

مشتر مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


I love this car seat, it's light easy to carry. The adjustable shoulder straps makes it look really comfortable for baby. The sun shade is great it goes all the way down so blocks out all the sun on a sunny day and protects against wind to. I really love how you can use with or without the base. The i star is nice a sturdy providing really good support. Wish I had this car seat for my first !

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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