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يتضمن المنتج: قفاز استحمام

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توزيع التقييمات

العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Innovative Bath Mitt

This is such a good idea with small children and older children to use at bath times and showers. It fit well on my three year olds hand, who is just starting to get into wanting to wash himself. It will not stay put on my hand and my seven year old couldn't fit his thumb through. If this were bigge...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

Wanted to love it

I really wanted to love this bath mitt but unfortunately I don't. I love the idea of it for sure but doesn't work great. It doesn't lather at all and the soap just slides right off of it. My son doesn't care for the material but instead just wants to play with it as a toy. Also, it doesn't stay suct...

تم عرضه بواسطة 55 عملاء

My toddler boys love it!

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بواسطة Sarahburton466

من North Carolina

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My two boys aged 3 and 4 loved this mitt. I liked that it was easy for them to use by themselves and big enough that I could use it on them too. I also enjoy that it is germ resistant and doesn't collect a smell like other washcloths. It has a nice lather with soap too. I definitely will be recommending this to other moms.

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Soft and easy to clean!

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بواسطة Dhinacung

من Chesapeake, VA

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I always used Fridababy's product since my kids was a baby especiall the Nasal Aspirator. But this is the first time we try the Bath Mitt. My idea is since the mitt can fit with my toddler's hand it will help her to learn to clean herself. What I like from this mitten since it made from soft silicone its very easy to clean and dry, just stick the suction cup behind the mitten after used. The size is big enought to help my toddler clean her body and not scratch her skin like a normal body brush. The mitt is foldable and can easily to reach all body parts. This is a great additional product for welcome baby box/ kids bath essential

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Soft and flexible!

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بواسطة jarsiann

من League City, TX

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I love this little mit!! It is so easy to use and makes bathtime so much easier! The bristles are so soft but really make the scrubbing easy! My son isn't a fan of bath time and doesn't like being washed with a wash cloth but this mit intrigues him! I highly recommend this and really any product by FridaBaby!

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Nice product

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بواسطة Amitch

من Pennsylvania

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I actually really liked this bathmitt. It fit over my hand perfectly and it fits my daughters great as well. The little bristles tickled her feet and made scrubbing up a little more fun for her and less of a hassle for me. I saw a lot of reviews about it not lathering and I didn't have an issue with that, it lathered up great

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Super soft

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بواسطة Jems

من undisclosed

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My little is a toddler and loves this cleaning mitt. It is so soft and a good way to get them to learn how to wash there bodies. I wish I new about it sooner .

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Love this.

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بواسطة VeroB

من Colorado

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So, we used this for the first time last night. My two year old thought it was so fun to wash himself. I was shocked he could figure it out on his own. Stuck it right on his little hand and washed his belly and arm. I finished the rest, but all I could think is does this come in adult size? Creates a great lather, is very gentle, and left him clean. I love it, he loved it, and his 5 year old sister asked me to get her one.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Gentle Exfoliating Bath Mitt

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بواسطة cherylmordonez

من Louisville, KY.

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This is a gentle exfoliating bath mitt by DermaFrida. I really love that is bacteria resistant and made of silicone. It would be nice if the suction cup would actually stay put. It does not lather soap good at all. It can help with independent hygiene development of young ones.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Nice mitt

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بواسطة Dee76

من Okc, ok.

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Tried out the DermaFrida bath mitt. It was softer than it looked. Not to abrasive. Fits my little ones hands perfectly. Also like that I can wash him with it as well. Wish it held the soap a little bit better. But for reaching my little one to use it on his own and to waha himself...it was great. Definitely worth giving a try.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Super soft and cleans well

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بواسطة Natty12

من undisclosed

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My five year old daughter loves her new bath mitt! The mitt fits in her hand perfectly and stays on thanks to the thumb openings on the side of the mitt. The material is very soft and flexible, retains soap well for a good clean. The mitt has a suction cup on it for easy storage on the side of the shower or tub. It dries quickly and stays clean, unlike washcloths that you have to run through a wash. I am very happy with this product's quality and application, and also because my daughter likes to use it and it encourages her to be more independent.

Super soft and cleans well
Fits well thanks to thumb opening on the side
Super soft and cleans well
Suction cup

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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One of my fave baby gadget!

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بواسطة Keala1248

من Vancouver WA

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Why didn't I see this 7 years ago to use it on my other 3 kids?!!! This is by far - one of the best baby gadget out there! It works! It's so soft and gentle to the baby's skin! My baby loves it - it's like a mini massage! I like that there's also holes inside/out from the bottle to drain and clean the mitt... and we can suction it to our tub! This maker is a genius!

One of my fave baby gadget!
Suction and soft silicone brush
One of my fave baby gadget!
The mitt
One of my fave baby gadget!
Holes to drain and clean the mittt

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