قفازات استحمام بفرشاة سيليكون للجسم ديرما فريدا

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تخلصي من فوط الاستحمام المزعجة وتململ طفلك وعدم ثباته بهذا المنتج. يناسب قفاز الاستحمام ديرما فريدا يد طفلك الصغيرة ويدك الكبيرة ليتمكن صغيرك من العناية بنظافته بنفسه ثم يمكنك إكمال المهمة للتأكد من نظافته تمامًا. فالنظافة الشخصية هي مهمة كبيرة لا تستطيع أيدي الأطفال الصغيرة إنجازها. سيحصل طفلك على بشرة ناعمة بهذا القفاز المقشر.


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يتضمن المنتج: قفاز استحمام

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توزيع التقييمات

العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Innovative Bath Mitt

This is such a good idea with small children and older children to use at bath times and showers. It fit well on my three year olds hand, who is just starting to get into wanting to wash himself. It will not stay put on my hand and my seven year old couldn't fit his thumb through. If this were bigge...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

Wanted to love it

I really wanted to love this bath mitt but unfortunately I don't. I love the idea of it for sure but doesn't work great. It doesn't lather at all and the soap just slides right off of it. My son doesn't care for the material but instead just wants to play with it as a toy. Also, it doesn't stay suct...

تم عرضه بواسطة 55 عملاء

High quality, easy to use

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بواسطة cdean14318

من Terre Haute, IN

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The DermaFrida the BATH MITT looks and feels like a high quality product. It feels soft on the skin, as I tried it on my own arms before using it on my daughter. I like the freedom and change from the usual cloth wash cloths. My daughter seemed to enjoy the bath experience as much as she usually enjoys her baths.

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Easy to use

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بواسطة Devonna02

من Romulus Michigan

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We love our brush. I use it everyday with my kids and it works! My oldest used to have cradle cap and this worked wonders. Also It's very gentle on the skin and she really enjoys it, so that's a win for both of us! Definitely recommend this item. It's easy to clean and you can stick it to the wall thanks to the suction tap that comes with it, so it dries real fast.

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I LOVE this bath mitt.

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بواسطة Lizard93

من Theodore, AL

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This DermaFrida bath mitt has really helped during bath times. The silicone bristles are really soft and it lathers great also. The soap rinses off a lot easier also. When youre done using it, you can shake it and stick it to the wall. It sticks very well and dries pretty quickly as well. My daughter loves using it, she likes how it fits like a mitten and how the silicone bristles feel. And the fact that shes able to do it all on her own. The bath mitt has a hole on both sides so shes able to use her left or right hand. I really love this bath mitt also, ive started using this to wash my body as well. I feel like it cleans a lot better than what I usually use. We've been using this for a week, and it hasn't started smelling or anything! It actually mostly smells like the soap we use. Which is honestly my favorite part of this bath mitt. It did get a little hard to keep on my hand once the inside was wet. But I expected that with it being silicone. My daughter didn't have that issue though. I would definetly recommend this DermaFrida bath mitt not just for small ones but adults as well. Its longer lasting in my opinion!

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Fridababy= Awesome products.

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بواسطة NikkiKW

من Jasper, Al

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I didn't know quite what to expect when I received the DermaFrida the BATH MITT. Wow color me amazed. No chemical smell here actually no smell at all. The bristles were so soft it almost felt like cloth. Not only was it easy for adults to use but for my toddler as well. He grabs this as soon as he gets in tub. In fact it's so popular I have a hard time keeping it away from the older kids. It holds soap well and it feels like a gentle massage. The suction cup feature is great for drying.

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Bat mitt cleans well

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بواسطة Chelleb2214

من Westland, MI

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I love the Freda brand and was excited to try the DermaFrida bath mitt. The bath mitt is very flexible and the silicone material is soft. The bristles move and help scrub the skin clean. The mitt fits my hand well and is easy to use. The hole for the childs thumb is a good idea so it can fit their small hands better. Overall this is a good product and helps clean my child during their bath, it's gentle and works well.

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I love Fridababy!

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بواسطة Connie90

من Bend, OR

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This product is great. My 5 year old uses it in the shower! I couldn't get him to use a regular loofah cause that's what mom and dad use and of course he likes to be different so this one was perfect.

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Wanted to love it

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بواسطة Sugar1802

من undisclosed

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I really wanted to love this bath mitt but unfortunately I don't. I love the idea of it for sure but doesn't work great. It doesn't lather at all and the soap just slides right off of it. My son doesn't care for the material but instead just wants to play with it as a toy. Also, it doesn't stay suctioned long at all. This product needs some work but like I said, I love the idea of it.

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Works great!

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بواسطة Chica165

من Erie, PA

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I love this bath mitt. It was thoughtfully designed to be used by children and adults. It's made with silicone so it dries quickly and does not get moldy. It has a built in suction cup, so you can stick it on the tub when it's not in use so you never lose it. My daughter loved using it. The little scrubbing fingers seems to be very gentle on her.

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Ok product

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بواسطة Jess312

من Nc

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I am a fan of most fridababy products so I was excited to try this out. I used it on my 8 month old so we did not test out him using it himself. I felt like getting the soap to lather and spread using this was rather difficult. My baby did love the texture of this though. What I found it is great for is lathering shampoo! It worked perfectly to later and get down to scalp.

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this is a great product

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بواسطة cherry96932001

من topeka ks

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I love the way dermafrida bath mitt lets your little help and learn to wash themselves. And a big plus is that an adult can use it on them as was. It was soft and easy to use. I love the suction cup so it can be attached to the tub to dry. No more smelly washrags or multi washrags, saves on laundry.

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