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من المعروف أن الرضاعة الطبيعية ليست أمرًا سهلاً بالنسبة لجميع الأمهات، لذا تقدم تومي تيبي شفاط الحليب ميد فور مي الكهربائي خصيصًا لتمنحك تجربة رضاعة سهلة ومريحة. يأتي بتصميم محمول لا يحتاج إلى استخدام يديك لتتمكني من شفط الحليب بسهولة أثناء أداء مهامك اليومية. يتميز الشفاط بتقنية ConstantComfort الذكية لمحاكاة حركة فم طفلك أنثاء الرضاعة لتحفيز الحليب على التدفق بصورة لطيفة وطبيعية، كما تساعد في تثبيت الشفاط في مكانه لشفط الحليب بفاعلية وثبات.

من الضروري أثناء عملية الشفط أن تجلسي في وضعية مريحة بالنسبة لك وتسمح بتدفق الحليب في الوقت نفسه. سيساعدك ضوء تعديل وضعية الحلمة على تثبيتها في الوضعية الصحيحية حتى في ظروف الإضاءة المنخفضة. تتوافق زجاجة جمع الحليب مع حلمات كلوزر تو نيتشر الشبيهة بالثدي لتحويل شفاط الحليب إلى زجاجة رضاعة على الفور لإرضاع صغيرك مباشرة دون الحاجة إلى نقل الحليب إلى زجاجة أخرى. ويأتي بحلقة لولبية وحلمة لإرضاع طفلك في أي مكان.

احصلي على معلومات عن الشفاط الخاص بك من خلال التطبيق الذي يقوم بمتابعة كمية الحليب التي تم شفطها وتوقع كمية الحليب من كل ثدي، كما يمكنك التحكم في الشفاط عن بعد وتحديد مستوى شدة التدليك وشفط. بعد الانتهاء من عملية الشفط يضيف التطبيق المعلومات تلقائيًا إلى صفحة المتابعة التي يمكن عرضها وفقًا لكل 24 ساعة أو 5 أيام. يمكنك شحن شفاط الحليب بسهولة باستخدام كابل USB والقابس المتعدد. عند اكتمال الشحن سيمنحك معدل شفط 12 مرة × 20 دقيقة بإجمالي 4 ساعات. سيصلك إشعارًا بانخفاض البطارية قبل وقت كافي من انتهاء عملية الشفط لشحن الجهاز. يتكون الجهاز من سبعة أجزاء سهلة التركيب والتنظيف، وجميعها أمنة للاستخدام في غسالة الأطباق أو المعقم ما عدا جسم الشفاط الرئيسي لضمان تنظيفها قبل كل استخدام.

خصائص المنتج:

  • تصميم قابل للارتداء بمزايا متعددة: يتميز بتصميم مريح قابل للارتداء داخل حمالة الصدر ومزود بجميع خصائص شفاط الحليب الكهربائي العادي
  • تقنية ConstantComfort: تعمل تقنية ConstantComfort الذكية على محاكاة حركة فم طفلك أنثاء الرضاعة لتحفيز الحليب على التدفق بصورة لطيفة وطبيعية
  • ضوء تعديل وضعية الحلمة: يساعدك الضوء على تثبيت الحلمة بسهولة في الوضعية الصحيحية خاصةً في الأماكن المظلمة
  • إمكانية الرضاعة من الشفاط مباشرة: تتواق زجاجة جمع الحليب بسعة 150 ملل مع الحلقات والحلمات كلوزر تو نيتشر لتضمني قبول طفلك لها
  • تطبيق سهل الاستخدام: يمكنك التحكم في الشفاط عن بعد وتعديل مستوى شدة الشفط والأوضاع وتوقع كمية الحليب باستخدام التطبيق سهل الاستخدام

عرض المزيد

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العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Game changing

Wow all I can say is wow , as a breast feeding mum this is a massive game changer , let's start with the breast pumps themselves they are easy to use , the pumps themselves just slide easily into your bra ( if you find them squished they provide you with a bra adapter so it will fit all types which ...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

Tommee Tippee Made for Me Single Electric Wearable

I liked the idea of this breast pump as an option for expressing when I'm back at work however being honest I was quite disappointed. The breast pump comes in a lovely box and has a useful carry bag for storing the breast pump in when not in use. Unboxing the product, there was a lot of elements, i...

تم عرضه بواسطة 88 عملاء

Not yet sure about this pump

تم الرفع

بواسطة Quel

من East Midlands

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


I have mixed feelings about this pump. I can see the benefits but it also has some issues, some of which may be due to user error though. Having a wearable pump is a game changer. I can now pump one side while my child is feeding on the other and I don't have to worry about the pump being kicked out of my hand. It's good that it is a quiet pump so there's no worry about disturbing my sleeping baby. I like that it comes with 2 horn sizes with the option of ordering a new size if required. This pump does have some really good features, it's so easy to assemble, disassemble and clean. I love that it has smart technology as I can easily control it with my phone instead of trying to use the buttons on the unit while holding a wriggling baby. My biggest concern is that it caused pain, maybe this is due to the horn size or I'm just too sensitive to the amount of suction. When it came to removing the pump from my breast it wasn't easy, the suction was really strong. A minor issue I had was during milk let down it makes a horrible squelching sound. I only got 1.5oz of milk after 30 minutes, I get more than this using my other pump. This isn't surprising though as wearable pumps in general get less milk due to them being less powerful than standard electric pumps. I wouldn't have it as my main pump but it is handy to have if I want to pump while feeding my baby. I found that I couldn't comfortably do other tasks and walk around while using it, but I think this would be helped if I found a better bra to use it with. I think that it just isn't a good fit for me so I will be ordering a new size horn to test whether I get better results. Despite my issues, I would recommend this pump as I do see the positives of having it and these things work differently for different people. If I can solve the pain issue then I'll be using it daily.

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Love it

تم الرفع

بواسطة Aimz87

من East London

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The pump is bulky but it does fit in the bra and has no wires so you can pump on the go which is really handy so you can multitask with house work etc and it is quiet and discreet I love it as it is definitely the way forward so I'm happy with this product

Love it
Does fit in bra
Love it
Small but bulky

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Best invention to exist for my baby!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Aniras

من Blackburn

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The ease of using this is amazing! Doesn't take pong to charge and lasts a good four hours on and off. No carrying a wire or big bulky breast pumps. Quick and simple. I've used other types but this is definitely the best!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Time saver

تم الرفع

بواسطة mair

من Cwmbran, South Wales

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


The made for me wearable breast pump is a great product and really useful to have as a first time mum. I struggled for weeks trying to get the balance of cleaning, sorting the baby and expressing and often found due to this I would never have time to myself to sit down and relax. However since using the wearable breast pump this has became a lot easier, I am now able to clean up and carry on with my day all while expressing which means once finished I am able to sit down. Really is a life saver! I was previously really worried about being able to continue breast feeding and expressing for my baby but this has certainly taken all my worries away. Although the breast pump is bigger and bulkier than I expected and is not discreet as I hoped so I'm not sure I would feel comfortable using it outside of the house and around other people. On initial thoughts it seemed as though the milk collectors couldn't hold much expressed milk but deceivingly they do hold 5oz in each collectors and two come with the pump, in total you can collect 10oz in one session which is great! The downside is that it is quite expensive and can be a bit uncomfortable when attached to the breast but nothing unbearable. I did find it useful to connect it via Bluetooth to the Tommee Tippee app where you can record the amount of milk expressed and the intensity of the pump, it's good to see that a product has been designed with technology in mind. It was very easy to use and it had simple steps of how to connect. I also liked the fact that in the box it comes with several adaptors such as UK, USA etc so can be taken on holiday and used in different sockets to charge it up. The battery does last a good amount of time too. Overall a good product but the size of it lets it down.

Time saver
Made for me wearable breast pump

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Game changing

تم الرفع

بواسطة Megan2001

من West Midlands

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


Wow all I can say is wow , as a breast feeding mum this is a massive game changer , let's start with the breast pumps themselves they are easy to use , the pumps themselves just slide easily into your bra ( if you find them squished they provide you with a bra adapter so it will fit all types which is extra bonus points in my opinion ) they are easy to turn on thanks to the handy little buttons located just on top of the pumps themselves and you can adjust the suction and pause it should you need to . On the other hand you can also Bluetooth the pumps to the handy app on your phone by just holding the power button until a blue light flashes and you follow the instructions on the app to pair. Once paired you can easily use the app to control absolutely everything from the suction settings to a massage setting and it even auto stops once full this makes pumping on the go an absolute breeze. Now onto the pump themselves thanks to the fact you can change the suction settings it makes it so comfortable to wear on the breast and easily draws the milk into the nice containers below as I found some pumps can hurt to use but I'm really glad to say there is absolutely no issue and no leaks !! Nothing like that with these just set it to what's comfortable for you and off you go !. I find these pumps easy , comfortable and the best I've ever used !. The battery life on these pumps are absolutely incredible and again easy to charge using the one provided. They also provide bottle tops for each container so you can use strait from breast to baby , the containers hold a nice amount and you can use them in the fridge or freezer as needed they also provide two spare containers and a handy bag to store the pump and containers if you need to take them anywhere I place them in my changing bag and it fits like a glove !! The last thing to mention is that it comes with "horns" that attach to the pump should you find your breasts / nipple doesn't fit in comfortably I have larger nipples and the horn that plugs into the pump makes it super comfortable to use ! In conclusion these breast pumps are a ultimate game changer from being comfortable providing right suction and no leaks to the acsessories provided I can absolutely say it changed mine and my little ones routine for the better highly recommend

Game changing
Best pump !!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Pumping made easier!

تم الرفع

بواسطة FZoh

من South West

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


This wearable pump is a Godsend! It has helped me give the best to my baby. Due to tongue ties and various latching issues,I had almost given up breastfeeding. This pump comes majorly assembled and is a noisefree as well as a handsfree device which gets a bottle ready in ten minutes for me. Super easy to use and very convenient as I can do most of my chores while I pump. The manual is detailed and the app is very helpful too. Quick recharge and the charging lasts me 3-4 uses which is amazing and I am able to carry the pump with me in a bag as it is not very bulky either. I can happily say this is the most comfortable pump I've used to date!

Pumping made easier!
My pumping journey

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Beyond worth buying.

تم الرفع

بواسطة Mrs Lowe

من Oldham

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


I am absolutely in love with the Tommee Tippee Made for Me breast pump. I wanted a pump I could be mobile in and this is so comfortable and fits nicely inside my nursing bra that I can do exactly that. I love that it comes with a teat so I can pump before baby needs his bottle and my husband can just pop the teat on and feed him to bond as well. It also comes with a dust bag to keep all the pieces together and clean. The app is awesome too, I love being able to connect and keep track of my pumping. There is also different modes to pop it on depending how intense of a suction you want and even a massage mode.

Beyond worth buying.
Function buttons.
Beyond worth buying.
Dust bag.
Beyond worth buying.
Cute packaging

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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As they stand now they are not worth it.

تم الرفع

بواسطة Lori

من Teeside

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


Tommee Tippee I'm sorry but this product is not it. So I have been exclusively express feeding for 7 months now & have been using another brand of wearable breast pumps. With each pump I usually get around 6-10oz with this pump I didn't even get 1oz. The packaging is great, it's well built but it's just a disappointment. In the package you received bra cup extenders for while you pump, they didn't even fit on my bra. I couldn't walk around the house I had to sit & hold them in place. The hard plastic of the horn (flange) made it uncomfortable. Once you had expressed some milk you then couldn't get it out of the collector cause of the awkward shape. The app doesn't allow them to be used as a duel product so you have to go into them individually to change setting or turn them off. I was so excited for these but I came away so disappointed.

As they stand now they are not worth it.
Wasted milk as I couldn't get it out. They could use a little seal in the corner to make pouring easy.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Amazing product Hands free

تم الرفع

بواسطة Sarahb

من Derby Derbyshire

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


This product is amazing !! I love how it is hands free so I can just pop them on and get on with cleaning or sorting my children without sitting there hand pumping It easy to use and they just fit straight in to your bra

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Overall great hands free pump

تم الرفع

بواسطة gemminnie

من London

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I'd definitely say I like this overall - I found the app really helpful and usable, and the pump itself generally good compared to being stuck attached to a pump. The pump itself did feel really quite bulky though and so not discreet. I also found that at time it came unattached - maybe due to my shape or maybe as a result of its bulkiness. That means though that I can't truly do normal things when pumping, or even pick my son up etc as it tended to cause that even more. Overall I'd recommend though.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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